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办公版权所有:云鼎国际4118登录 - 云顶国际官网登录网址,东华大学,松江校区四号学院楼5147室










1986.7-1990.8  西安公路学院(现长安大学)基础部,助教;

1993.4-2001.4  西安建筑科技大学建筑学院建筑技术研究所,讲师/副教授;

2001.5-2005.8  东华大学云鼎国际4118登录,副教授;

2005.9-至今   东华大学云鼎国际4118登录,教授/博士生导师。


1、建筑概论(本科生); 2、热舒适与空调系统分析(硕士生); 3、建筑空气质量(硕士生); 4、建筑热过程高等分析(博士生).


(1) 上海市“科技创新行动计划”项目:海洋上空臭氧和细颗粒污染通量与依存关系(19DZ1205005), 课题负责人;

(2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51478098): 长江下游地区居住建筑保温方式适用性研究, 项目负责人;

(3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51278094): 大空间碰撞射流通风性能优化研究项目负责人;

(4) 上海市教委科研创新重点项目典型季节碰撞射流通风优化研究(13ZZ054), 项目负责人;

(5) 上海市勘察设计研究院西藏地区给水厂建筑物采暖及附属设施保温典型设计研究项目负责人.


1.Jia Yu, Yanming Kang, He Li, Ke Zhong*, Zhiqiang (John) Zhai. Influence of ventilation-behavior during off-periods on energy-consumption for an intermittently heated room of dormitory buildings. Energy, 2020, 197, 117103.

2.Xiufeng Yang, Limei Xia, Xing Chen, Yanming Kang, Ke Zhong*. Theoretical analysis of natural displacement ventilation in a warm space. International Journal of Ventilation, 2019, 18(4): 263-280.

3.Zili Yang, Ruiyang Tao, Hui Ni, Zhiwei Lian, Ke Zhong*. Performance study of the internally-cooled ultrasonic atomization liquid desiccant dehumidification system. Energy, 2019, 175: 745-757.

4.Shuhan Wang, Yanming Kang, Zili Yang, Jia Yu, Ke Zhong*. Numerical study on dynamic thermal characteristics and optimum configuration of internal walls for intermittently heated rooms with different heating durations. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 155: 437-448.

5.Xiao Ye, Yanming Kang, Xiufeng Yang, Ke Zhong*. Temperature distribution and energy consumption in impinging jet and mixing ventilation heating rooms with intermittent cold outside air invasion. Energy & Buildings, 2018, 158: 1510-1522.

6.Liting Yuan, Yanming Kang, Shuhan Wang, Ke Zhong*. Effects of thermal insulation characteristics on energy consumption of buildings with intermittently operated air-conditioning systems under real time varying climate conditions. Energy & Buildings, 2017, 115: 559-570.

7.Xiao Ye, Yanming Kang, Bin Zuo, Ke Zhong*. Study of factors affecting warm air spreading distance in impinging jet ventilation rooms using multiple regression analysis. Building & Environment, 2017, 120: 1-12

8.Xiao Ye, Hui Zhu, Yanming Kang, Ke Zhong*. Heating energy consumption of impinging jet ventilation and mixing ventilation in large-height spaces: A comparison study. Energy & Buildings, 2016, 130: 697-708.

9.Ningbo Zhang, Yanming Kang, Ke Zhong*, Jiaping Liu. Indoor environmental quality of high occupancy density dormitory buildings in winter in Shanghai, China. Indoor & Built Environment, 2016, 25(4):712-722

10.Xiufneg Yang, Ke Zhong*, Yanming Kang, Tianyin Tao. Numerical investigation on the airflow characteristics and thermal comfort in buoyancy-driven natural ventilation rooms. Energy & Buildings, 2015, 109: 255–266.  

11.Yong Wang, Ke Zhong, Ningbo Zhang, Yanming Kang. Numerical analysis of solar radiation effects on flow patterns in street canyons. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2014, 8(2): 252-262.

12.Xiufeng Yang, Yanming Kang, Ke Zhong*. Theoretical modeling of unsteady buoyancy-driven natural ventilation. HVAC&R Research, 2013, 19(2): 148-158.

13.Ke Zhong, Fang Yang, Yanming Kang. Indoor and outdoor relationships of CO concentrations in natural ventilating rooms in summer, Shanghai. Building & Environment, 2013, 62: 69-76.

14.Ke Zhong, Haiming Fu, Yanming Kang, Xiaofang Peng. Indoor thermal conditions and the potential of energy conservation of naturally ventilated rooms in summer, China. Energy & Buildings, 2012, 55: 183-188.

15.Ke Zhong, Xiufeng Yang, Wei Feng, Yanming Kang. Pollutant dilution in displacement natural ventilation rooms with inner sources. Building & Environment, 2012, 56: 108-117.

16.Ke Zhong, Shuai Chen, Yanming Kang, Lili Yuan. Analysis of outdoor temperature ranges for the operation of different ventilating modes in commercial buildings of China. Energy & Buildings, 2012, 55: 174-182. 

17.Xiufeng Yang, Guangxiang Wang, Ke Zhong* et al. Transient pollutant flushing of buoyancy-driven natural ventilation. Building Simulation, 2012, 5(2): 147-155.

18.Ke Zhong, Xiufeng Yang, Yanming Kang. Effects of ventilation strategies and source locations on indoor particle deposition. Building & Environment, 2010, 45(3): 655-662.

19.Ke Zhong, Yanming Kang. Applicability of air-to-air heat recovery ventilators in China. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2009, 29(5/6): 830840.

20.Ke Zhong, Yanming Kang, Youjun Wang. Effect of source location on particle dispersion in displacement ventilation rooms. Particuology, 2008, 6(5): 362-368.