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办公版权所有:云鼎国际4118登录 - 云顶国际官网登录网址, 东华大学环境学院, 松江校区4号学院楼5135室




社会兼职:上海市学位委员会土木工程学科评议组成员(第四、第五届); 中国气象学会大气化学与大气成分分会委员中国物理学会静电与电磁防护分会委员(第六至第九届).






1986.07-1989.08, 西安建筑科技大学理学院助教;

1992.06-2001.02, 西安建筑科技大学市政与环境工程学院讲师/副教授;

2001.02-2001.08, 东华大学云鼎国际4118登录副教授;

2001.09-至今,    东华大学云鼎国际4118登录教授博士生导师.


2000.01-2002.06  中国科学院大气物理研究所 大气边界层物理与大气化学国家重点实验室博士后研究人员;

2003.04-2004.08  香港理工大学土木与环境工程系高级访问学者;

2009.10-2010.10  美国普渡大学工学院Ray W. Herrick实验室访问学者。

1. 建筑环境与能源应用工程导论(本科); 2. 高等流体力学(硕士生); 3. 高等建筑通风理论(博士生).

(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目室内环境中的霾污染延迟效应研究(51578121),负责人.

(2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目气溶胶云下雨洗过程中的动力学机制研究(41275157),负责人.

(3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目城市区域微尺度环境中气溶胶输送特性研究(40975093),负责人.

(4) 国家自然科学基金面上项目含碳气溶胶粒子的凝并与输送机理研究(40475047),负责人.

(5) 上海市教委科研创新重点项目:城市街区建筑群室内外空气污染物耦合关系的研究(14ZZ073), 负责人.

(6) 上海机场集团虹桥国际机场西区能源中心供冷系统9/1号机组冷机加装及配套设备前期调研负责人.


1.He Li, Ke Zhong, Jia Yu, Yanming Kang, Zhiqiang (John) Zhai. Solar energy absorption effect of buildings in hot summer and cold winter climate zone, China. Solar Energy, 2020, 198: 519-528. 

2.Zhiqiang (John) Zhai, Jia Yu, Yanming Kang. Advances in research for underground buildings: energy, thermal comfort and indoor air quality. Energy & Buildings, 2020, 215, 109916.

3.Yongwei Gao, Yanrong Yu, K Zhong, Yanming Kang. Analytical solutions for particle transport through an inclined channel with gravitational effect. Chinese Journal of Physics, 2019, 60: 180-192.

4.Xiao Ye, Yanming Kang, Fang Yang, Ke Zhong. Comparison study of contaminant distribution and indoor air quality in large-height spaces between impinging jet and mixing ventilation systems in heating mode. Building & Environment, 2019, 160, 106159.

5.Hongwei Jia, Xin Xiao, Yanming Kang. Investigation of a free rising bubble with mass transfer by an arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 137:545-557.


6.Yongwei Gao, K Zhong, Yanming Kang. Aerosol transportation in horizontal channels with gravitational effects. Particuology, 2019, 44: 159-168.

7.Heng Shen, Wanxuan Yu, Hongwei Jia, Yanming Kang. Electrohydrodynamic flows in electrostatic precipitator of five shaped collecting electrodes. Journal of Electrostatics, 2018, 95: 61-70.

8.Hui Zhu, Fengjiao Hua, Yanming Kang, Yonghang Chen. Numerical analysis of the dynamics of aerosol inertial collection and aggregation on raindrops. Aerosol Science & Technology, 2018, 52(3): 253-268. 

9.Fang Yang, Ke Zhong, Yonghang Chen, Yanming Kang. Simulations of the impacts of building height layout on air quality in natural-ventilated rooms around street canyons. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(30): 23620-23635

10.Fang Yang, Yongwei Gao, Ke Zhong, Yanming Kang. Impacts of cross-ventilation on the air quality in street canyons with different building arrangements. Building & Environment, 2016, 104: 1-12. 

11.Fang Yang, Yanming Kang, Yongwei Gao, Ke Zhong. Numerical simulations of the effect of outdoor pollutants on indoor air quality of buildings next to a street canyon. Building & Environment, 2015, 87: 10-22.

12.Yanming Kang, Fengjiao Hua, Ke Zhong, Hui Zhu. A new analysis of fine aerosol capture by raindrops at terminal velocities. Journal of Aerosol Science, 2015, 89: 31-42.

13.Bin Zuo, Ke Zhong, Yanming Kang. An experimental study on particle resuspension in a room with impinging jet ventilation. Building & Environment, 2015, 89: 48-58.

14.Hongqiang Wang, Yanming Kang, Qianshan He, Yonghang Chen. Transport of black carbon aerosols from non-local sources: A case study in Shanghai. Particuology, 2015, 20: 89-93.

15.Hongqiang Wang, Qianshan He, Yonghang Chen, Yanming Kang. Characterization of black carbon concentrations of haze with different intensities in Shanghai by a three-year field measurement. Atmospheric Environment, 2014, 99: 536-545.

16.Xiufeng Yang, Ke Zhong, Hui Zhu, Yanming Kang. Experimental investigation on transient natural ventilation driven by thermal buoyancy. Building & Environment, 2014, 77: 29-39.

17.Xiufeng Yang, Yanming Kang, Ke Zhong. Theoretical predictions of transient natural displacement ventilation. Building Simulation, 2013, 6(2): 165-171.

18.Yanming Kang, Youjun Wang, Ke Zhong. Effects of supply air temperature and inlet location on particle dispersion in displacement ventilation rooms. Particuology, 2011, 9(6): 619-625.

19.Yanming Kang, Youjun Wang, Ke Zhong et al. Temperature ranges of the application of air-to-air heat recovery ventilator in supermarkets in winter, China. Energy & Buildings, 2010, 42(12): 2289-2295.

20.Xiufeng Yang, Yanming Kang, Ke Zhong. Effects of geometric parameters and electric indexes on the performance of laboratory-scale electrostatic precipitators. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 169(1/3): 941-947.