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雷雨川,生于1992年,中共党员。2021年毕业于东南大学能源与环境学院供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程专业,获工学博士学位。2018年至2020年参加国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目赴美国普渡大学学习。在International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer、Applied Thermal Engineering、International Journal of Refrigeration等本领域重要期刊发表论文十余篇。


2010.09-2014.06 南京师范大学,能源与机械工程学院,建筑环境与设备工程,学士学位

2018.11-2020.11 美国普渡大学,机械工程学院,沸腾及两相流实验室,联合培养博士

2014.09-2021.06 东南大学,能源与环境学院,供热供燃气通风及空调工程专业,博士学位


2021.09-2021.09-今 东华大学,云鼎国际4118登录,建筑环境与能源应用工程系,讲师











1.Xianyu Wang, Yao Wang, Xin Xiao, Zhenqian Chen, Yanming Kang, Yuchuan Lei*, Numerical study on heat transfer deterioration of supercritical CO2 in lattice structure array channel, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 227, 125600, 2024.

2.Pincheng Xiang, Jiawei Wang, Yao Wang, Zhenqian Chen, Yanming Kang, Yuchuan Lei*, Mitigation effects of lattice structure arrays on heat transfer deterioration of supercritical CO2, Applied Thermal Engineering, 257, 124171, 2024.

3.Yuchuan Lei, Hongwei Jia, Ke Zhong*, Zhenqian Chen*, Experimental study on turbulent convection heat transfer of supercritical CO2 in cooled inclined miniature tubes, International Journal of Refrigeration. 152, 129-145, 2023

4.V.S. Devahdhanush#, Yuchuan Lei#, Zhenqian Chen, Issam Mudawar*, Assessing advantages and disadvantages of macro- and micro-channel flow boiling for high-heat-flux thermal management using computational and theoretical/empirical methods, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 167, 120787, 2021

5.Yuchuan Lei, Issam Mudawar*, Zhenqian Chen, Computational and experimental investigation of condensation flow patterns and heat transfer in parallel rectangular micro-channels, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 149, 119158, 2020

6.Yuchuan Lei, Bo Xu, Zhenqian Chen*, Experimental investigation on cooling heat transfer and buoyancy effect of supercritical carbon dioxide in horizontal and vertical micro-channels, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 181, 121792, 2021.

7.Yuchuan Lei, Zhenqian Chen*, Cooling heat transfer and pressure drop of supercritical CO2 in wavy microchannels with consistent and opposite crests and troughs, International Journal of Refrigeration, 109, 64-81, 2020

8.Yuchuan Lei, Zhenqian Chen*, Numerical study of condensation flow regimes in presence of non-condensable gas in minichannels, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 106, 1-7, 2019

9.Yuchuan Lei, Zhenqian Chen*, Numerical study on cooling heat transfer and pressure drop of supercritical CO2 in wavy microchannels, International Journal of Refrigeration, 90, 46-57, 2018.

10.Yuchuan Lei, Zhenqian Chen*, Numerical study of condensation flow regime transition in wavy microchannels, Numerical Heat Transfer Part A-Applications, 72 (7), 536-550, 2017.

11.Yuchuan Lei, Zhenqian Chen*, Juan Shi, Analysis of condensation heat transfer performance in curved triangle microchannels based on the volume of fluid method, Microgravity Science and Technology, 29 (6), 433-443, 2017

12.Yuchuan Lei, Zhenqian Chen*, Numerical study of condensation heat transfer in curved square and triangle microchannels, Heat Transfer Engineering, 41 (9-10), 768-778, 2020

13.Yuchuan Lei, Zhenqian Chen*, Numerical study of condensation heat transfer in curved triangle microchannels, Procedia Engineering, 205, 64-70, 2017

14.雷雨川, 陈振乾*, 微重力下三角形微通道内冷凝换热分析, 空间科学学报, 38 (3), 368-372, 2018.


1. 2018, The 10th International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer, Nagasaki, Japan, 口头汇报, Analysis of condensation heat transfer and flow pattern transitions in wavy micorchannels based on the volume of fluid method.

2. 2018, 12th Asian Microgravity Symposium, Zhuhai, China, 口头汇报, Numerical study of condensation heat transfer and annular flow pattern in presence of non-condensable gas in microchannels method.

3. 2017, The 10th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning, Jinan, China, 口头汇报, Volume of fluid-based numerical modeling of condensation heat transfer in slightly finned microchannels.

4. 2018, The Second International Conference of Microfluidics, Nanofluidics, and Lab-on-a-Chip, Beijing, China, 展板交流, Numerical study of condensation flow regime transition in presence of non-condensable gas in microchannels.

5. 2017, 第十届全国微重力科学学术会议, 银川, 宁夏, 口头汇报, 微重力下微肋微通道内冷凝换热分析.

6. 2017, 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议, 苏州, 江苏, 展板交流, 微通道内超临界二氧化碳数值模拟.


2022 东南大学优秀博士学位论文

2019 江苏省青年能源科技奖 三等

2018 博士研究生国家奖学金